Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
TLA Chapter 10 Atrocity
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Mina is given an unwelcome decision to make by an even more unwelcome visitor, and we learn more about the death of her father. With a decision reached, Mina and Cadmus start to lay their plans, but they are interrupted by an atrocity no-one could have predicted.
Transcript https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L--J0_zsmOtoxNXIOwcJS77KRDxbEqduNjomCRWl8xo/edit?usp=sharing
Ranks of peerage: https://debretts.com/peerage/ranks-and-privileges-of-the-peerage/
SCENE 25: The Visitor Returns
Chaos Factor 9
Altered Scene: Altered (the visitor is a magical projection)
Mina: Mending
FATE does V know who Cadmus is? (Likely) yes
FATE does V know about the wedding plan? (50/50) no
DESCRIPTION Verdict on death of the Whisperer: naturally aromatic
EVENT What does he want? Event Focus NPC Action (The Underpipes) Carry Riches)
The trail of the Infernal powder X
Something she found there
Take something down there
Get something out of there
Leverage? Praise News
SCENE 26: Decision time
Chaos Factor 8
Altered Scene: altered (innkeeper throws them out)
EVENT: how does Mina think Alexis was involved in Baron Montisario’s death? Intolerance the IntellectualFATE: murdered by ‘lone gunman’? (50/50) Yes
SCENE 27: Prepping for the Underpipes
Chaos Factor 7
Altered Scene: Interrupt NPC Positive (Machine Cultists) Praise Fears
FATE Certes? (likely) No
FATE Key? (50/50) Yes
1d6: 1 Ankhra (terrorist attack on the Monastery of Thrice-Blessed Ankhra)
FATE Attackers at the scene? (Unlikely) No
FATE Suicide bombers? (50/50) Yes
FATE Survivors? Yes
FATE Describe attackers? (50/50) Yes
FATE: is Cadmus willing to return to the Underpipes? (Likely) Exceptional Yes
How did Cadmus enter the Underpipes? Triumph Tactics (below the Blood Pits)
How did Cadmus find out about the entrance? Overthrow Misfortune
Entrance description: Gladly Young
FATE: Did Antiope escape? (50/50) Yes
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
TLA Chapter 11 Beneath the Blood Pits
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Mina and Cadmus have identified a way to reach the Underpipes, hidden beneath the gladiatorial Blood Pits of Kyras. Surely their attempt to sneak in unnoticed will go smoothly, and if they do make it down there, there’ll be nothing awful waiting for them. Right?
Transcript https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pzp5ZI6pfV0BoGjlCpB2XszX_uVIi_C_q7xeLbnsuII/edit?usp=sharing
All music is royalty-free, and courtesy of Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/music/
Mina character sheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18h9OxkNRKUGTruL1-28aPTOj08Q3fDkzIKO_j9Fddlo/edit
Cadmus character sheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10sZNAf3091QwA2sXI9volk5vzAyUZfKp2WwsgPdUets/edit
Level Up: https://www.levelup5e.com/
13th Age: https://pelgranepress.com/product-category/d20-games/archmage-engine/13th-age/
13th Age Glorantha: https://www.chaosium.com/13th-age-glorantha-hardcover/#:~:text=For%20Game%20Masters%2C%2013th%20Age%20Glorantha%20includes%3A&text=More%20than%2060%20pages%20of,ve%20never%20heard%20of%20Glorantha.
5e Houserules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OGLf6d8k5nQEt2bBWRxScjMzhs2LTm8h7XcwTS8Pqs8/edit
SCENE 28: Beneath the Blood Pits
Chaos Factor 6
Altered Scene: No
FATE Healing potions (Very Unlikely) No, Event
EVENT Introduce New NPC Intolerance the Innocent (Pit Master)
FATE Human? (50/50) No (Cave Ogre)
FATE Hostile to Cadmus? (50/50) Yes
FATE Does he attack? (Very Likely) No
Persuasion/ Deception at DIS vs WIS 10 (-1) 10 success
Deception -1 vs WIS 10 (-1) 4 failure
Cave Ogre (Pit Master Glugark) (2 x CR 2)
HP 119 (14d10+42, bloodied 59)
Speed 40 ft.
19 (+4) 8 (–1) 16 (+3) v 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (–1)
Proficiency +2; Maneuver DC 14
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Giant
Elite Recovery. At the end of each of its turns while bloodied, the ogre can end one condition or effect on itself. It can do this even when unconscious or incapacitated.
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and if the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it makes a DC 14 Strength saving throw, falling prone on a failure.
Sweeping Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., all creatures within 5 feet. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and if the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it makes a DC 14 Strength saving throw. On a failure, it is pushed 10 feet away from the ogre.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Rock (Only when Bloodied). Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and if the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it makes a DC 14 Strength saving throw, falling prone on a failure.
Reactions (only when Bloodied)
Reflexive Swat. When a creature the ogre can see within 5 feet hits it with a melee attack, the ogre makes a greatclub attack against it.
Furious Smash (1/Day). When it takes damage or is targeted by a spell, the cave ogre roars and smashes the ground, a tree, or another object, sending debris flying in a 30-foot radius around the ogre. Each creature in the area makes a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage on a failed save or half damage on a success. Until the debris is cleared, the area becomes difficult terrain, which the cave ogre ignores.
Combat tactics
Against foes it deems small and weak, the ogre charges into a group and uses its Sweeping Strike. It attacks a lone foe, or one that has proven itself to be a threat, with its greatclub.
Mina 20
Glugark 17
Cadmus 5
Mina (54/54) Sharpshooter (-5/ +10): +2 vs AC 12: 8 Miss, Move away, Bonus: Barbican attack
Barbican (21/21) Move forward, Rend +6 vs AC 12: 9 miss
Glugark (119/ 119): Move forward, Greatclub vs Barbican: +6 vs AC 15: 25 hit 13 hp (8/21), Prone
Cadmus (28/28) Bless Mina, Barbican, Cadmus (+1d4 attacks/ saves)
Mina (54/54) Sharpshooter (-5/ +10): +2 +1 (Bless) vs AC 12: 15 Hit, 38hp (81/119) Bonus: Barbican repair
Barbican (8/21) Repair (⅓) 9hp (17/21) Stand from prone
Glugark (81/119) Move, Sweeping Strike (Mina, Barbican), DIS vs Mina 17 (Miss), 14 vs Barbican (Miss)
Cadmus (28/28) Sacred Flame DEX save DC 12: 15 miss, move out of reach
Mina (54/54) Sharpshooter (-5/ +10): +2 +3 vs AC 12: 19 Hit, 48hp (33/119 bloodied) Reaction: Furious Smash: Dex save DC 14 Mina: 16 5hp (49/54), Barbican 7 10hp (7/21), Cadmus 22 5hp (23/28), 30ft radius is Difficult Terrain
Bonus Barbican repair
Barbican (7/21) Repair (⅔) 7 hp (14/21)
Glugark (33/119) Sweeping Strike (Mina, Barbican, Cadmus) DIS vs Mina 12 miss, 9 vs Barbican miss, 21 vs Cadmus, hit 8hp (20/28), fail STR save, pushed 10ft
Cadmus (20/28): move to distract, Help action (Mina)
FATE: Attract attention? (50/50) Yes
Rounds until reinforcements? 1d4+2: 5
Mina (49/54) Sharpshooter (-5/ +10): +2 +2 vs AC 12 ADV: 22 hit 46hp Glugark DEAD
Bonus: Barbican Help Cadmus (clear rubble) - cancels DIS
Barbican (14/21) Help
Cadmus (20/28): Perception vs DC 13: 20 success
FATE Do the reinforcements spot the secret entrance? (Unlikely) No
SCENE 29 Pipe Crawl
Chaos Factor 5
Altered Scene: Altered (Punish Benefits) Goodberries lost
Mina: Mending (Barbican at full HP)
Cadmus: Goodberry
FATE: Tunnels clear? (Likely) No, Danger: Creature looking for food
Monster (rare) construct, hostile, group (Medium encounter)
FATE From in front? (50/50) yes
Xanka x 4 (Tome of Beasts)
Bronze Scout (Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes)
Medium construct, unaligned
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 18 (4d8) Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft.
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 11 (+O) 3 (-4) 14 (+2) l (-5)
Skills Perception +6, Stealth +7
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages understands one language of its creator but can't speak
Challenge l (200 XP)
Earth Armor. The bronze scout doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it burrows.
Magic Resistance. The bronze scout has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +S to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (ld4 + 3) piercing damage plus 3 (ld6) lightning damage.
Lightning Flare (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). Each creature in contact with the ground within 15 feet of the bronze scout must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Small construct, unaligned
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 18 (4d6 + 4), Speed 25 ft., climb 15 ft.
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 4 (–3) 10 (+0) 7 (–2)
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Understands the languages of its creator but can’t speak
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Constructed Nature. Xanka do not require air, food, drink, or Sleep.
Ingest Weapons. When the xanka is hit by a melee weapon and the final, adjusted attack roll is 19 or less, the weapon gains a permanent –1 penalty to damage rolls, after inflicting
damage for this attack. If the penalty reaches –5, the weapon is destroyed. Even magic weapons are subject to this effect.
Magic Weapons. The xanka’s weapon attacks are magical.
Absorb. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) force damage, and the xanka regains hit points equal to the damage caused by its attack. In addition, a living creature hit by this attack must make a successful DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or suffer a gaping wound that causes 2 (1d4) necrotic damage at the end of each of the creature’s turns until the wound is treated with magical healing or with a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Medicine) check. If a creature who fails this saving throw is wearing armor or using a shield, the creature can choose to prevent the necrotic damage by permanently reducing the AC of its armor or shield by 1 instead.
Mina 18
Xanka 15
Cadmus 9
Bronze Scout 4
Distance: Long range
FATE: does Cadmus know what they are? (50/50)
Mina: Investigation 13 vs DC 12
Mina (49/54) 27 (Crit) vs Bronze Scout AC 13 32hp DEAD, 19 vs Xanka 1 AC 15 hit. 14hp (4/18), Bonus Barbican help Mina
Barbican move, provide firing platform
Xanka move 50ft
Cadmus Sacred Flame vs Xanka: DEX save 16 miss
Mina (49/54) ADV Sharpshooter (-5/ +10): 17 vs AC 15 hit 44hp (Xanka 1 DEAD, Xanka 2 DEAD, Xanka 3 DEAD, Xanka 4 4hp (14/18)
Bonus Barbican attack
Barbican move, DIS Attack 14 vs AC 15 miss
Xanka Absorb 5 vs AC 15 miss
Cadmus Sacred Flame vs Xanka: DEX save 9 hit 5hp (9/18)
Mina Help Barbican, Bonus attack
Barbican ADV 24 vs AC 15 hit 6hp (3/18)
Xanka Absorb 21 vs AC 15 hit 6hp (15/21) regain 6hp (9/18)
Cadmus Sacred Flame vs Xanka: DEX save19 miss
Mina Attack at melee range DIS 15 vs AC 15 DEAD
FATE Treasure? (Very Unlikely) No
SCENE 30 Underpipes Round 2 (part 1)
Chaos Factor 4
Altered Scene No
DUNGEON Common (4 way junction), Discovery (bridge/ stairs/ ramp), Danger (Creature)
Creature: Sleeping Beast (Bee/ Wasp) Horde (swarm)
FATE: illuminated? (50/50) no
Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30)
Speed 20 ft., burrow 5 ft., climb 20ft.
3 (–4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 1 (−5) 13 (+1) 2 (−4)
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 30 ft., tremorsense 30 ft.,passive Perception 13
Languages —
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny insect. The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.
Magic Immunity. The manabane scarab swarm is immune to spells and other magical effects.
Scent Magic. The manabane scarab swarm can detect the presence of magical creatures, active spells or spell effects, and magical items within 120 feet.
Mana Erosion. The manabane scarab swarm consumes magic. Unattended magic items in the swarm’s space at the end of the swarm’s turn have their effects suppressed for 1 minute. Additionally, charged items in the swarm’s space lose 1d6 charges at the start of each of the swarm’s turns; items with limited uses per day lose one daily use instead, and single-use
items such as potions or scrolls are destroyed. Magical effects in the swarm’s space are dispelled (as if affected by dispel magic cast with +5 spellcasting ability).
Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft., one creature in the swarm’s space. Hit: 14 (4d6) piercing damage, or 7 (2d6) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or one randomly determined magic item in its possession is immediately affected by the Mana Erosion trait. A spellcaster hit by this attack must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or one of its lowest-level, unused spell slots is expended.
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
TLA Chapter 12 The Belly of The Beast
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Our heroes must avoid the many dangers of the twisting tunnels of the Underpipes, but there are things far more lethal than magic-eating beetles down here. They soon come face to face with a terrible new foe, as well as a hated old one.
Transcript https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NzofrwSCc7SgKgMcUC1AhcNgfw-Q1sLv6wgqVic2z6A/edit?usp=sharing
All music is royalty-free, and courtesy of Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/music/
Names, by the Story Games Names Project: https://www.lulu.com/en/gb/shop/jason-morningstar/story-games-name-project/paperback/product-1qz67dg.html?page=1&pageSize=4
UNE: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/134163/UNE-The-Universal-NPC-Emulator-rev
Mythic Deck: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/257195/Mythic-Game-Master-Emulator-Deck
Tempting Fate: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TemptingFate
SCENE 30 (part 2)
Stealth: Mina (DIS) 10, Cadmus 17, Barbican 13
Perception Swarm (DIS): 4
SCENE 31: Investigating the pipes
Chaos Factor 5
Altered Scene: Interrupt: Move away from a thread (Investigate the Whisperer’s death) Arrive Illusions (discuss Unseen: could be anyone, why a public death?)
DUNGEON: Theme: Incredible Power, Unique (Faction Base), Discovery (Book/ scroll/ map): map of the Underpipes
DESCRIPTION Innocently Poor
FATE: Piperunners? (Likely) Yes, random event
NPC Positive (Piperunners) Heal Suffering (Cadmus is back!)
FATE Captured? (50/50) Exceptional yes (many enemies, disarmed)
SCENE 32 Interrogation
Chaos Factor 6
Altered Scene: no
FATE: Piperunners hostile? (Likely) No, random event: Ambiguous Event: Extravagance Pain (flayed Hydroclanner)
UNE: Lively crone (comparable power). Motivation: communicate disbelief, conceive propaganda, complete dissonance. Name: Ouma Jukti
EVENT: why enmity with the surface? Bestow Assist
FATE vs rival factions? (50/50) no (vs the surface)
SCENE 33 Standoff
Chaos Factor 7
Altered Scene: Interrupt: NPC Action (Machine Cultists) Antagonise Pleasures (they arrive mid discussion)
EVENT: Why do they need healing? Betray Tension (conflict with other factions)
Mina Investigation: Barrels, Machine Cultists: +6 vs DC 10: 15
FATE: Does she provide Infernal Powder source? (Very Unlikely) No
FATE: Do the machine cultists recognise Mina? (50/50) Yes
FATE: Do they want her dead? (50/50) Yes
FATE: Does Jukti want her alive? (50/50) Yes
FATE: Does this cause conflict between the Piperunners and the Cultists? (50/50) Yes
FATE: Is their alliance an uneasy one? (50/50) Exceptional Yes
FATE: Do the cultists back down? (Likely) Exceptional Yes
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
TLA Chapter 13 Hell Hath No Fury
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Captured by the Piperunners, a helpless Mina and Cadmus discover the true ruthlessness of their foe, and the full terrifying scale of her master plan.
Transcript https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JBvJwZrNhl0NWbs0YYV5Mz01N3FY86P6z28Z65qFNWc/edit?usp=sharing
All music is royalty-free, and courtesy of Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/music/
Ring of Winter: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/wondrous-items:ring-of-winter
Personalities: https://www.verywellmind.com/the-big-five-personality-dimensions-2795422
Chaos Factor 7Altered Scene: Interrupt (PC Negative) Oppress The Spiritual
FATE: Cadmus hobbled by Mina? (50/50) Yes (had threatened to cut off his feet)
FATE: Repurpose maintenance mechs? (Likely) No
EVENT: what weapon? (Adjourn the Intellectual)
FATE: Is there a CPU of the Pipes? (Likely) Yes
FATE: Is the CPU the Great Machine? (Very Likely) Yes
Chaos Factor 8
Altered Scene: Interrupt (Move Away from a Thread - The Wedding) Attract Military
FATE: Does she say why she wants to attack the city? (50/50) Yes
Motivation (1d4)
Revenge X
No Choice
Revenge for what?
EVENT: Stop Friendship (Betrayed)
FATE: Betrayed Personally? (Unlikely) Yes
How long ago? (d100) 86 years
FATE Is she older than she looks? (50/50) Exceptional Yes (Ring of Winter)
FATE: Does she come from the city above? Yes
FATE Noble House? (50/50) Yes
Toreth X
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
TLA Chapter 14 In The Hall of the Great Machine
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Mina lays her plans against the Piperunners, but nothing can prepare her for the Hall of the Great machine. Can her desperate scheme possibly succeed, and what new city-shattering revelations lie in wait?
Transcript https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UUCE_Q1j-ICt-EfzhrOECzGqsuiw8FrJvCN1oeXJuCI/edit?usp=sharing
All music is royalty-free, and courtesy of Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/music/
RPG GNS Theory: https://cannibalhalflinggaming.com/2018/05/16/level-one-wonk-does-rpg-theory-gns/
In the Court of the Crimson King https://open.spotify.com/album/1Lzi2p6CUH156zbJTcOjNX
Master of the Universe https://open.spotify.com/search/hawkwind%20master%20of
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard https://open.spotify.com/artist/6XYvaoDGE0VmRt83Jss9Sn
SCENE 36: Imprisoned
Chaos Factor 8
Altered Scene: altered (closely guarded)
FATE: Long Rest? (Likely) Yes
FATE: with Cadmus? (50/50) Yes
FATE with Barbican? (50/50) Exceptional No
Sleight of hand check + Guidance assisted by Cadmus (ADV) vs guard passive perception 10: 21
Create tinker’s tools
Change spells: Extra spell: disguise selfChange Guidance to Mage Hand
Create sending stonesFATE Has Mina heard of the Grand Duchess? (very likely) Exceptional YesEVENT What has she heard? Judge Weapons
SCENE 37: The Hall of the Great Machine
Chaos Factor 7
Altered Scene: No
FATE does Jukti travel with the group? (Very Likely) Yes
FATE Many piperunners (Likely) Exceptional No
FATE Cadmus? (50/50) No
FATE Barbican (50/50) Yes
DUNGEON Common, Discovery, Danger (Repair Station, Supplies/ Trade goods, slashing trap)
FATE Many Machine Cultists at the Hall? (Likely) Yes
FATE Any Piperunners in the Hall? (50/50) No
FATE Very large? (Likely) Exceptional Yes
FATE Too large? (Likely) Yes
FATE any resistance to Mina approaching/ studying? (50/50) No
FATE Does Mina understand anything she sees? (Unlikely) Exceptional No
Mina Persuasion ADV from recording: Nat 20!
Chaos Factor 6
Altered Scene: Interrupt (Close a Thread: Track down the Infernal Powder) Malice Randomness
FATE: In the Hall? Yes
Mina Sleight of hand (Bag of holding) ADV from Barbican Help vs Passive Perception 11DC 10: 11
FATE: Do the Machine Cultists attack? (Very Likely) Yes (random event)
EVENT NPC Positive (Jukti) Inspect Travel (Jukti sees Mina, and is watching)
Mina Stealth (to cast Disguise Self unnoticed) no ADV due to Jukti’s focus: 4
Hero Point reroll: 18 Vs Jukti perception 9 successFATE did Jukti bring Mina's gun? (Very Unlikely) No
FATE Jukti defeated? (50/50) Yes
FATE Killed? (unlikely) No
FATE Escapes? (50/50) Yes
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
TLA Chapter 15 The Gladiator
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Chapter 15 Show Notes
With a death-defying leap, Mina escapes the battle atop the Great Machine. But more danger is waiting for her below, standing between her and the infernal powder she so desperately seeks. More danger, but also a potential ally…
Transcript https://docs.google.com/document/d/19CRry_yqe4hw0AmYD57au1MNqXhIH9rJqyXveLc1Y5I/edit?usp=sharing
All music is royalty-free, and courtesy of Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/music/
Fast Character Generator: https://fastcharacter.com/
Antiope character sheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k5-X1AVWScVFWWfL_yExCkIzPpJYGS0UqQ1qRxCWFAA/edit?usp=sharing
Free Falling: https://keisan.casio.com/exec/system/1231475371
SCENE 39: Falling
Chaos Factor 5
Altered Scene No
Sending Stone
Feather Fall
FATE: Cadmus reply? (Very Likely) Yes
FATE: As expected? (50/50) No
EVENT: What does he say? (Refuse Good)
FATE Does she see the cache? (Likely) No
FATE Lands unchallenged? (50/50) No
FATE: Cultists? (Very Likely) Yes
FATE: Anything else (50/50) No, Random Event
EVENT (Move Away from a Thread (Track down the Visitor) Abandon Stalemate
FATE Many? (50/50) Yes (1d6+4: 8)
Chaos Factor 4
Altered Scene: Interrupt (Introduce a New NPC) Kill Nature (Antiope)
Antiope personality rolls 41123
C1 A3 N1 O2 E4
Mina Persuasion 5
FATE Antiope attacks cultists? (Likely) Yes
Antiope 11
Cultists 8
Mina 2
Round 1
Antiope (46hp) 1 hit, 3hp
Cultists (1 @ 6/9, 7@ 9/9) 16hp vs Antiope, 4hp vs Mina
Mina (50/54hp) Interact with Object (open bag of holding), Bonus (Barbican attack)
Barbican: Rend (miss)
Round 2
Antiope (30/46hp) Pack Tactics ADV: 2 hits 5 & 3 hp (Cultist 1 down), Bonus 2nd Wind, 10hp
Cultists (7 @ 9/9) mis v Mina (Barbican reaction for DIS), 16hp v Antiope, 4 hp v Barbican
Mina (50/54) 12hp (cultist 2 down, cultist 3 on 6hp, Bonus (Barbican attack)
Barbican (17/21) 6hp (cultist 3 down)
Round 3
Antiope (24/46) Pack Tactics ADV: Hit, crit: cultist 4 down, cultist 5 on 3hp
Cultists: 4 v A, 4 v B, mis v A (Barbican reaction for DIS)
Mina (50/54) 12 hp (5 down, cleave, 6 down) Bonus (Barbican attack)
Barbican (13/21) 9hp (7 down)
Round 4
Antiope (20/46) Pack Tactics ADV: crit x 2 14+7hp 8 down
Chaos Factor 3
Altered Scene: No
Antiope motivations (UNE motivation tables)
Fulfil charity
Comprehend the elite
Determine freedom
FATE: treasure? (unlikely) no
FATE does Antiope want to help? (50/50) no, random event
EVENT Move away from a thread (track down the visitor) trust the intellectual (+Abandon Stalemate)
Mina Persuasion (ADV) 20
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
TLA Chapter 16 Assault on Silo 13
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Mina sneaks her way into Sanctum Eruptio in search of the Infernal Powder, but an unpleasant discovery awaits her. It’s all-out war between the Cult of the Great Machine and the Piperunners, with the very existence of the city at stake!
Transcript https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kZleqdp8rkFVDwkmOYlLKFatEvqDdFIr-P-PFcblvjo/edit?usp=sharing
All music is royalty-free, and courtesy of Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/music/
Blades in the Dark
Twitter @TheLoneAdv
Email TheLoneAdv@gmail.com
Podbean https://theloneadventurer.podbean.com/
Blog https://carlillustration.wordpress.com/
Circles in a circle: http://packomania.com/
Gunpowder Plot https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn4338-gunpowder-plot-would-have-devastated-london/
Beirut explosion: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-54420033
SCENE 42: Interrupt:
EVENT (from last scene and previous scene) Move away from a thread (track down the visitor) trust the intellectual +Abandon Stalemate
Valerian daCosta (The Visitor) (Slide)
Alphonse “Crater” Crabtree (Cutter)
Israel “Flint” Locke (Lurk)
Mordecai Rowe (Leech)
Malory Crow (Hound)
Tatiana “Tatters” Kamidev (Whisper)
The Spider (Spider)
FATE: Has Mina left this plane? (Has to be) yes
EVENT: nature of stalemate: Lie Magic
SCENE 43: Hunting for the Sanctus Eruptio
Chaos Factor 2
Altered Scene: Altered (General Alert)
Disguise Self time remaining: 41 minutes remaining
Mina: Investigation to find the Sanctus: 14 vs DC 17: fail by 3. Fail forward (Chapter 5) with consequence.
EVENT: Adjourn Victory (the attack begins, Mina is caught up in defence)
DESCRIPTION: Efficiently Strong (fortified foundations, heavily guarded)
FATE: Piperunners attack the Sanctus? (Very Likely) Exceptional No
FATE: Gas? (50/50) Exceptional No
FATE: Piperunners already in the Sanctus? (Likely) Yes
SCENE 44 Assault on the Sanctus Erupto
Chaos Factor 3
Altered Scene: No
FATE: Do the PRs seal the doors? (Likely) no, Random Event
EVENT (PC Negative) Inform Possessions
FATE Disguise seen through? (50/50) no (Barbican)
Mina (Bonus): Barbican attack PRs
FATE Suspicions allayed? (Likely) yes
FATE Barbican damaged? (50/50) no
FATE into storage area? (Likely) exceptional yes
FATE Jukti present? (has to be) no
DESCRIPTION (PR forces) threateningly average
FATE Is there an obvious entry point? (50/50) exceptional no
FATE darkness? (50/50) no
EVENT what are they doing? Create a representative (negotiator)
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
Q&A Bonus Episode 1
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
Corey Mayo’s O Solo Mayo: http://webjudy.com/osolomayo/
Transcript links
Session 0: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eQFxhCZ8tqDql3PwmYjcwWZM-AcWQOHE3PZayNAsYi8/edit?usp=sharing
Chapter 1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EqdqyTweQpTiPuKanq7kYbkstQfMbUx5CjmYmwgyvDE/edit?usp=sharing
Chapter 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BJ6rM2nlHck4PTZekyKmpIKlEPOADiJgIcW4N2Koxb8/edit?usp=sharing
Chapter 3: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w4TEp_aJN-4FtEd7p9_M5Sg6TX1wWKpd9FHKtzSItKU/edit?usp=sharing
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Bonus Episode 1
Wednesday May 04, 2022
TLA Chapter 17 War in the Underpipes
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
It all comes down to this. Mina Monisario, in disguise, must join with her sworn enemies, the fanatical Machine Cultists, in a final, desperate battle against the Piperunners for control of the explosives stashed beneath the Great Machine. And if she fails, the entire city is forfeit!
Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cHMEBI3YqBE-RdihCbuZKqhC7XaGvAXaaXpGMkW8eWg/edit?usp=sharing
All music is royalty-free, and courtesy of Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/music/
Twitter @TheLoneAdv
Email TheLoneAdv@gmail.com
Podbean https://theloneadventurer.podbean.com/
Blog https://carlillustration.wordpress.com/
Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie: https://enpublishingrpg.com/collections/level-up-advanced-5th-edition-a5e/products/level-up-monstrous-menagerie-a5e?variant=41366519775426
Kobold Fight Club Plus: https://koboldplus.club/#/encounter-builder
Chaos Factor 4
Altered Scene: No
FATE: do the Cultists surrender? (50/50) No
NPC Tactics
NPC opponents have an Aggression rating of 1 to 6, with most starting on 4.
As they take or inflict wounds, gain or lose the advantage in a fight, NPC opponents' Aggression will raise or lower. Experienced fighters will change only a small amount, while green, frightened or vengeful opponents will change more. Each time someone in the fight (either PC or NPC) suffers a setback, there should be a chance for Aggression to change. If the NPCs are nervous or demoralised, Aggression will drop when they suffer a setback and rise when a PC does. If they are angry or undisciplined, Aggression will rise when they suffer a setback and drop when a PC does.
Roll 2D6 (gold), 1d6 (black).
Black die 1, 2, 3: same tactic as previous round.
Black die 4, 5: Gold dice plus Aggression= NPC Tactic
Black die 6: Roll again for a Twist
NPC Tactic table
Panic - flee without caution, open self up to opportunistic attack
Surrender - throw down weapons and submit to opponent
Disengage - attempt to divert opponent's attention away from self
Retreat - move towards cover or out of range
Guard - defend only, no attack
Probe - attack cautiously, testing opponent's defenses
Wear down - draw the fight out and try to tire the opponent
Stand-off - wait for opponent to make the next move
Balance - attack and defend evenly, no particular strategy
Feint - try to trick opponent into defending against the wrong move
Reverse - rapidly switch from aggressive to defensive fighting to off-balance opponent
Taunt - try to anger or dismay opponent into making a mistake
Press - keep opponent on the defensive and hope their skill is inferior
Strike - try to penetrate opponent's defence with a fast attack
Charge - attack with ferocity, risking injury to wound opponent
Frenzy - attack wildly, risking death to wound opponent
Twist Table
Re-enforce - Call for help from allies/bystanders
Change - weapon/objective/ground
Disadvantage opponent - throw a burning candelabra, maneuver into uneven terrain, cut a curtain so that it falls over their head
Advantage self - take the higher ground, move so that they are not facing the sun, draw/pick up a second weapon
Bargain - try to persuade opponent to surrender/back out of combat/change sides
Trick - try to convince opponent they are about to suffer a setback or gain a false advantage
Bandit Captain 21 (A5e MM 470) Starting Aggression 4
Cult Fanatic 20 (A5e MM 472) Starting Aggression 5
Mina 14
Squads of Bandits (x3) 13 (A5e MM 466 & 470) Starting Aggression 4
Squads of Cultists (x4) 10 (A5e MM 466 & 472) Starting Aggression 4
FATE: Does he try to smash open a barrel? (50/50) yes
Bandit Captain: Hatchet: Multiattack: 24 and 21 vs barrel AC15, 7hp and 5hp vs barrel, 6 of 18hp remaining (DMG 246)
Cult Fanatic: Hold Person DC WIS: 4: Fail, Bandit Captain Paralysed (1 min, save at end of each turn). Concentration.
Mina: Crossbow 16 vs AC 15: 8hp (57/65), draw sword, move to engage Bandit Squad 1. Bonus: Barbican Disarm
Barbican: 30ft leap, Athletics check 15 vs DC 16, 4hp falling damage. Disarm (flare)
Squad of Bandits 1: Twist: Reinforce
FATE: More Bandits? (Likely) no (Jukti, joins next round Init 10)
Squad of Bandits 2: Attack: crossbow vs Cultists 1: 17 vs AC 12: 20hp: 25/45
Squad of Bandits 3: Twist: change ground: leap 10’ to barrels, close on Barbican
Squad of Cultists 1 (25/45): Move and attack Bandits 2: 14 vs AC 12: 30hp: 14/45 (bloodied)
Squad of Cultists 2 Move and attack Bandits 2: 4 vs AC 12 miss
Squad of Cultists 3 Move and attack Bandits 1: 14 vs AC 12: 20hp: 25/45
Squad of Cultists 4 Move and attack Bandits 2: 9 vs AC 12: miss
Bandit Captain (paralysed) Will save: 9 fail
Cult Fanatic Maintain Concentration, Inflict Wounds vs Bandits 2: 22 vs AC 12: 8hp (7/45)
Mina: Crossbow vs Bandits 2 15 vs AC 12: 8hp: squad becomes 2 bloodied bandits. Bonus Barbican: Dodge
Squad of Bandits 1 (25/45): Complete portal
Squad of Bandits 3 Attack Barbican (DIS) 7 vs AC 15, miss
Ouma Jukti: Cone of Cold vs Cultists 4: CON save 15 vs DC 17: 78hp squad becomes 2 bloodied cultists
Squad of Cultists 1: Attack Bandits 2: 8 vs AC 12 miss
Squad of Cultists 2: Change ground: Attack Jukti. Opportunity attack from Bandits 1: 21 vs AC 12: 20hp (25/45). Attack Jukti 22 vs AC 11: 20hp (29/49). Jukti reaction: Misty Escape
Squad of Cultists 3: Attack Bandits 1: 12 vs AC 12 20hp (5/45, bloodied)
Bandit 2A (4/9 hp) Crossbow vs Cultists 3: 18 vs AC 12 3hp (42/45)
Bandit 2B (4/9hp) Probe: test defences of Cultists 2: Scimitar 12 vs AC 12 7hp 18/45 Bloodied)
Cultist 4A (4/9hp) Strike: Bandit 2B 7 miss
Cultist 4B (4/9hp) Attack Bandit 2A 19 vs AC 12: 4hp dead
Bandit Captain (paralysed) Will save: 10 fail
Cult Fanatic Maintain Concentration, move, Sacred Flame v Bandit 2B saves
Mina: Bonus: barbican Dodge, Ready crossbow attack, trigger: Julti appears
Squad of Bandits 1 (5/45 Bloodied): Attack Cultists 2: 9 vs AC 12 miss
Squad of Bandits 3 Attack Barbican (DIS) 14 vs AC 15 miss
Ouma Jukti: Twist: re-enforce: summon ice guard drake next to Cult Fanatic: ring exhausted
Interrupt: Mina crossbow: 10 vs AC 11 miss. Jukti Perception to spot Mina: Int 18 vs DC 15
FATE: does she say anything about Cadmus? (50/50) no
Squad of Cultists 1: Attack Bandit 2B 13 vs AC 12 dead
Squad of Cultists 2: (18/45 Bloodied) Attack Bandits 1: 6 vs AC 12 miss
Squad of Cultists 3: (42/45) Attack Bandits 1: 20 vs AC 12 7hp squad becomes 2 bloodied bandits
Cultist 4A (4/9hp) Change: Attack Drake 22 vs AC 14 5hp (47/52)
Cultist 4B (4/9hp) Advantage Self: Flank Drake (ADV) 21 vs AC 14 5hp (42/52)
Guard Drake (42/52) Attack Cult Fanatic: Bite 11 vs AC 12 miss, tail 16 vs AC 12 8hp (31/39), Cult Fanatic Concentration check 17 success
Bandit 1A (4/9) Attack Cultists 3: 11 vs AC 12 miss
Bandit 1B (4/9) Attack Cultists 2: 11 vs AC 12 miss
Bandit Captain (paralysed) Will save: 2 fail
Cult Fanatic (31/39) Maintain Concentration, re-enforce
FATE: Cultist squad? (Likely) no (3 Bronze Scouts, near Fanatic)
Mina: move, crossbow vs Jukti 15 vs AC 11 16hp (13/39), Bonus Barbican Dodge
Squad of Bandits 3 Attack Barbican (DIS) 14 vs AC 15 miss
Ouma Jukti (13/39) Conjure Fey (Ice Maiden) near Mina
Squad of Cultists 1: Change target: jump, attack Bandits 3: 5 miss
Squad of Cultists 2: (18/45 Bloodied) Attack Bandit 1A 14 vs AC 12 dead
Squad of Cultists 3: (42/45) Change target: jump, attack Bandits 3 8 vs AC 12 miss
Cultist 4A (4/9hp) Twist ADV vs Drake: 15 vs AC 14 4hp (38/52)
Cultist 4B (4/9hp) Attack Drake 10 vs AC 14 miss
Guard Drake (38/52) Bite 22 vs AC 12 11hp (20/39) Tail 23 vs AC 12 8hp (12/39) Concentration Broken
Bandit 1B (4/9) Attack Cultists 2 19 vs AC 12 3 hp (15/45)
Bronze Scout 1 Attack Drake Bite 18 vs AC 14 9hp (29/52)
Bronze Scout 2 Attack Drake Bite 17 vs AC 14 10hp (19/52)
Bronze Scout 3 Attack Drake Bite 24 vs AC 14 9hp (10/52)
Ice Maiden: Ice Storm vs Mina Dex 13 vs DC 17 fail, 18hp (48/70)
Bandit Captain
FATE Does he have another Flare? (50/50) No
Attack Barbican: 2 misses, one hit: regains the flare
Cult Fanatic (12/39) Hold Person 15 vs DC 12: spell fails. Drake opportunity attack 12 vs AC 12 4hp (8/39)
Mina: crossbow vs Jukti (opportunity attack 20 vs AC 16: 5 miss spend Hero Point CRITICAL HIT!!! 26hp Jukti dead. Bonus Barbican get Flare: Barbican 14 STR vs 5 DEX: regains flare
FATE: Are Ice summons negated (Has to be) no
Squad of Bandits 3: Attack Cultists 3: 11 vs AC 12 miss
Squad of Cultists 1: Taunt, attack Bandits 3: 14 vs AC 12 15hp (30/45)
Squad of Cultists 2: (15/45 Bloodied) Attack Bandit 1B Crit (dead)
Squad of Cultists 3: (42/45) Change: Defend Barbican (Dodge)
Cultist 4A (4/9hp) Attack Drake: 12 vs AC 14 miss
Cultist 4B (4/9hp) Disadvantage opponent (hold leg)
Guard Drake (10/52) (DIS) Attack Cult Fanatic: Bite 17 vs AC 12 6hp (6/39), Tail 10 vs AC 12 miss
Bronze Scout 1 21 vs AC 14: 8hp (4/52)
Bronze Scout 2 15 vs AC 15 7hp Drake dead
Bronze Scout 3 Continues to attack drake
Ice Maiden: Flurry form: Whirlwind: STR save 14 vs DC 13 saved: Mina not flung, 6 cold damage
Bandit Captain (57/65) Advantage Self Attack Cultists 2 (ADV) 21 and 23 scimitar 18hp, squad becomes 2 bloodied Cultists, 24 dagger vs 2A: dead
Cult Fanatic (12/39) Hold Person vs Bandit Captain: Wis save 9 vs DC 12: Paralysed
Mina (42/70): Leap Athletics 15: attack Bandit Captain with crossbow midair: ADV & Sharpshooter: 15 vs AC 15: 30hp (27/65). “Take out their leader!” Bonus Barbican attack (ADV) 17 vs AC 15 15hp (12/65)
Squad of Bandits 3: (30/45) Defend Captain (Cancels ADV)
Squad of Cultists 1: 4 vs AC 15 miss
Squad of Cultists 3: (42/45) 23 vs AC 15 15hp Bandit Captain dead
Cultist 4A (4/9hp) Attack Bandits 3 19 vs AC 12 4hp (26/45)
Cultist 4B (4/9hp) Attack Bandits 3 13 vs AC 12 6hp (20/45)
Bronze Scout 1 21 vs AC 12 12hp (8/45)
Bronze Scout 2 6 vs AC 12 miss
Bronze Scout 3 19 vs AC 12 7hp (1/45)
Ice Maiden: Fly to Mina, no whirlwind recharge, 2 slams 19 & 23 vs AC 16, 26hp (16/70) End of Turn CON check DC 12: 4 fail (dead)Cultist 2B Surrender:
FATE: Bandits surrender? (50/50 no: killed
Thursday May 12, 2022
TLA Chapter 18 Aftermath
Thursday May 12, 2022
Thursday May 12, 2022
In the aftermath of the war against the Piperunners, Mina is left facing another implacable foe. And even if she does survive, what price will she be forced to pay?
Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WKIggxPt0wNAMRZvltZHibhznT76I-4VLgWhF6xWLbk/edit?usp=sharing
All music is royalty-free, and courtesy of Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/music/
Twitter @TheLoneAdv
Email TheLoneAdv@gmail.com
Podbean https://theloneadventurer.podbean.com/
Blog https://carlillustration.wordpress.com/
The Science of Storytelling: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Science-Storytelling-Stories-Human-Better-ebook/dp/B07J2BN9L7/ref=sr_1_1?adgrpid=62546151740&gclid=Cj0KCQjwma6TBhDIARIsAOKuANxFz_4Wqt22ISs1mh-TnHuAXkKgIrpFX_78lBbSnZ71w0yyIFFgum4aAgVbEALw_wcB&hvadid=310559321985&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9045978&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=5718174129616949750&hvtargid=kwd-375593231506&hydadcr=11469_1841735&keywords=the+science+of+storytelling&qid=1651245220&sr=8-1
Sapiens: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sapiens-Humankind-Yuval-Noah-Harari/dp/0099590085/ref=sr_1_1?crid=YVF6N40MVWEF&keywords=sapiens&qid=1651245256&sprefix=sapiens%2Caps%2C79&sr=8-1
Countdown Clocks: https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/bft68t/using_clocks_world_bitd_in_any_game/
Chaos Factor 3
Altered Scene: no
FATE: Do the Cultists attack? (50/50) no
FATE: Is she seen as an ally? (50/50) no
FATE: Do they keep her prisoner? (50/50) no
FATE: Is there a quid pro quo? (Likely) Celebrate Opulence
FATE: do the cult know of the entrance to House Toreth? (50/50) exceptional no
FATE: do they know who Mina is? (Unlikely) no
FATE: Does Mina think the machine is made by the dwarves? (Unlikely) exceptional no
FATE: Do the cult have leverage? (50/50) no
Chaos Factor 4
Altered Scene: no
FATE: does the Cult knows the source of the powder? (Unlikely) yes
Mina persuasion 13 vs Voice DC 15 fail (won’t reveal powder source)
Mina Insight 13 vs Deception 5 (she knows he knows)
Mina persuasion 19 (nat 20) vs DC 15 (Cult will assist with Cadmus recovery)
FATE: Is Mina able to retrieve the ring? (50/50) no
FATE: Has Cadmus been harmed? (Likely) no
FATE: rescued by Antiope? (Likely) Exceptional no
FATE: Antiope killed? (Likely) yes
Chaos Factor 3
Altered Scene: no
FATE: Do the cultists remain with Mina? (Unlikely) no
Welcome to The Lone Adventurer
The Lone Adventurer is an actual play solo RPG podcast. I will be your narrator, your Game Master and your guide as we follow our hero, Mina Montisario, on her unpredictable journey into the unknown.
For this game I will be using the D&D 5e ruleset, the Mythic GM Emulator, as well as a variety of other systems, tools and tables, as they take my fancy.
I hope you'll join me.